Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away, NO wait... STAY!

Why do people in Los Angeles (not metro areas of course) have an umbrella? It rains- at best- once every few months, and then rarely graduates to a downpour.

As I was strolling downtown LA today, with everyone popping their umbrellas out for the misting that was occurring, I was very proud that I fear not mother nature's weeping and walked as if it was a normal sunshine laden day. Why do humans fear rain so much? Yes, expensive clothes, or getting wet might be an issue, especially here in the land of labels. However, the detesting for being out in the rain is a common thing in our society. Rain is often depicted in movies as a cause for a shiver, and a mother warns of catching a cold. Scientists and doctors laugh affectionately at these misnomers. Then, there of course is the fact that the first hour or so of rain in Los Angeles is probably acidic or toxic from all the smog. Regardless, I say don't pop that umbrella right away. Get some water on that face, who cares if it leaves tracks in your inch thick foundation, or forms droplets on your mysteriously shaped facial hair? Walk around in it, dance in it, hell- swing around a light pole if you dare! I prefer to puddle stomp with my 6 year old, and of course get all drenched as we run through the streets singing "Tomorrow" from ANNIE (the movie/musical). There is such an air of excitement dashing in from the street to the safety of a dry building lobby dripping wet, and burst forth through the door of your sanctuary, strip off your wet clothes and fall down in a fit of laughter at the fun of it!

How can you beat the rhythmic sound of the rain on the windowpane? How can you not turn off your television and linger on the couch with a great book while the world around you takes a bath? Oh, the rain on a tin roof or a metal fire escape!! The syncopated beats upon odd objects that are normally silent now get a chance to contribute to the orchestra of sounds. Rain, Rain... don't fret those who shield themselves from you, come again, and sooth me into sleep.