Friday, August 20, 2010


Okay, so I have a question for all you ladies out there, you know who you are, the ones who gather in corners at a bar or restaurant, or even your homes and bash your men to each other. Here is my grand question to you... why? If you aren't happy, or if you don't trust him, then why are you with him? Does blabbing to your girlfriends about his shortcomings make you feel good? Do you think that your friends now admire you for sticking it out with a loser, or do you do this to cry out for pity and sympathy like you are suffering these indignations because you are so nice? Guess what? It doesn't do anything but demean your relationship and your man, and makes you look like an idiot.

I was introduced to a woman who I had already had some preconceived notions about. I, however, for the sake of my beloved, decided to entertain a conversation with this person. The entire time not only was she bashing her boyfriend but she was also bashing mine. I tried as politely as I could to set her straight but she seemed quite happy to tell me all of her boyfriend's misgivings and all their trials and hardships. Things that if I was having the same issues with my boyfriend I would never disclose to a stranger. I was quite annoyed by this. I know we all have issues with our loved ones from time to time but I only confide in my closest friends and also attribute what things I have done or am at fault for as well. This however, is just not called for. What it really made me realize is...

I don't want to be with someone that I cannot gush over to my friends about. I don't want to talk bad about the person I am with. I don't want people to feel sorry for me for suffering some sort of relationship martyrdom. I want to be happy, to let others know I am happy, and to show that I love and respect my partner. Anything else, well it's for the birds.

Most relationships are a direct reflection of how the two people perceive themselves. I love myself, I love my boyfriend, therefore- despite random issues likes miscommunications and little tiffs here and there- I LOVE MY RELATIONSHIP.

So my advice to you females out there who love to bash your beau to your gals, find something new to talk about.