Tuesday, December 28, 2010


One thing that has always bothered me about friends and boyfriends is that when you get close to them, divulge your life's woes to them, or talk about the tragedies in your life, et cetera... that these are what they use as ammunition against you in a fight.
If you mentioned that you don't have a lot of friends, a point of compassionate plea, they turn it on you in a fight and say: "Well, You don't have any friends, that's why!" or something to that effect. Maybe if you tell someone that you are a loner, but you are reaching out to them for companionship, when they don't call you for a week or months, they respond: "Well you said you were a loner, I figured it wouldn't bother you." One of the best I have heard is when you talk about your past relationships and they throw those things up in your face. "No wonder he hit you."
Then there is your character. I have noticed that the favorite thing that people like to do in a fight or disagreement is to attack your character, call you names. Very schoolyard of them.
Come on people, when you have a disagreement, and things outside of the disagreement filter into the conversation, that is a clear sign that 1) you don't fight fair 2) you have other issues that are causing this issue to be exacerbated and 3) that you don't know how to communicate.
All of us have slip ups and may try to one up each other in an emotional fight. But when one person is backpedaling, rolling their eyes, and saying "okay whatever!" just to end the conversation; it is clear that communication is not being done. The person has tuned you out. The situation is not resolved. This is a classic case of avoidant personality disorder. Instead of dealing with the situation, trying to hear both sides, and then set up a rational plan to address the problem or issue, you get a door slammed in your face, they run away, hide behind distance or closed doors, or hell even work. So it sits and festers and it's hard to go back to a trusting situation at that point.
Here's the deal, if you can't come to a solution, step up and someone say, "Lets take some time to think about it." AND THINK ABOUT IT. Don't go complain to your friends or parents, because they don't know all sides of the story. Being an adult is a beautiful thing because you don't have to pout or cry or throw a tantrum because you don't know how to express yourself. You can ask questions, you can use logic, and you can solve problems responsibly and with compromise. Now if only people would use these gifts.
Never use someone's weaknesses against them unless you are absolutely sure that you want them as an enemy. Don't use your ammunition.

1 comment:

  1. But calm, rational discussions aren't nearly as dramatic! You can't get your own reality TV show by doing stuff like that! :-D
